
What Parents, Educators, Consultants and Other Have to Say …

"Just a quick note to thank you for the professionalism and care you gave my clients in transporting their son ... last Friday. They spoke so highly of every contact they had with your organization by phone and in person. They were also very thankful for the concern your office showed in trying to balance the safety of their child (there was a thought of needing to bring in another agent because of a run attempt) and the attempt to keep costs at a reasonable level. I have another client considering using your services the success of my first client’s transport with West Shield has given me great confidence in recommending you to them."

Educational Consultant

"Upon calling West Shield, I was made to feel that my situation was the most important and I had no doubt that they were totally committed to resolving our problem."


"Your presence was reassuring from the moment you arrived. You worked a small miracle in getting Kendra to go without the horrible scenes I'd imagined. It was a great relief to know she was being handed over to your service and that you were ready and capable of handling any situation."


"The obligations that parents have to do everything within their means to raise their children to be happy, healthy and functional adults supersedes any perceived right that children have to do illegal drugs, be sexually promiscuous or be destructive to themselves or others."

Terry Wasserman, Atty.

Adolescent Mental Health Issues

"We have been consistently pleased with their ability to establish rapport with troubled adolescents and their families and with their ability to help the adolescents understand the realities of the situations they have created for themselves. West Shield's contribution to the enrollment process has been invaluable."


"We are grateful to you for your assistance and support. Your organization was highly professional and a godsend to parents such as ourselves who are making every attempt we know to save our son."
